6822 CEDAR LOCH COURT, CENTREVILLE, VA 20121 - (Event# O-450) - Auction.com


6822 Cedar Loch Court, Kim Kroner, Kim Kroner Listings, auction, short sale, bid, investor6822 Cedar Loch Ct Auction.com is auctioning this home in collaboration with the lender and the listing agent. This Approved Short Sale Home is perfect for a home owner or an investor. The price displayed is the Starting Bid amount of $125,000. This home will be auctioned Tuesday, April 8 at www.Auction.com. For Open House dates, bid registration, and applicable terms and conditions, please visit www.auction.com.
6822 CEDAR LOCH COURT, CENTREVILLE, VA 20121 - (Event# O-450) - Auction.com

6822 CEDAR LOCH COURT, CENTREVILLE, VA 20121 - (Event# O-450) - Auction.com
6822 CEDAR LOCH COURT, CENTREVILLE, VA 20121 - (Event# O-450) - Auction.com

Real Estate Trends in 20121

Listing price for 6822 Cedar Loch Ct$125,000
Average listing price for similar homes$233,22787% above listing price
Average sale price for similar homes$137,60910% above listing price
Average listing price for all homes in 20121$460,81173% above listing price
Median sale price for all homes in 20121$336,000169% above listing pric

6822 CEDAR LOCH COURT, CENTREVILLE, VA 20121 - (Event# O-450) - Auction.com  Centreville, Virginia real estate listings and homes for sale from CNNMoney.com. Search all homes for sale, including open houses and foreclosures, to find the best for you.

6822 CEDAR LOCH COURT, CENTREVILLE, VA 20121 - (Event# O-450) - Auction.com

6822 CEDAR LOCH COURT, CENTREVILLE, VA 20121 - (Event# O-450) - Auction.com

Centreville stats

City stats.
Median family income
(per year)
Job growth %
See jobs near Centreville
Median home price$300,000
See Centreville homes for sale
Test scores reading
(% above/below state average)
Test scores math
(% above/below average)
Personal crime incidents (per 1,000)03
Property crime incidents (per 1,000)13
(within 15 miles)
High temp in July ° F87.4°
Low temp in Jan ° F21.9°
Median age37.0
